“It has never been more important that our representatives to Congress accurately represent our population.
Gender parity in political leadership is not just a matter of equity. Because women face different opportunities and expectations, they provide an infusion of new ideas and perspectives, and improve both the policymaking process and the policies that generate from that process.
The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings are a perfect example of why political parity matters. Of the 21 members on the Senate judiciary committee, only 4 are women (and all those women Democrats). Imagine what these hearings might look like with an equal number of women on both sides of the aisle questioning Kavanaugh about the recent allegations of sexual misconduct. It's a travesty that in 2018 we are still not there.”
Dr Christine Blasey Ford is sworn in at the hearing where the Senate Judiciary Committee questioned her about sexual assault perpetrated by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. | 📷 Instagram @barrjessie
$5 suggested donation! womxn only!
MONDAY, OCT 1, 2018
1795 GEARY STREET, SF 94115
On Thursday, many of us were glued to TV and radio listening to testimony from Dr Blasey Ford as well as Judge Kavanaugh regarding her allegation that he sexually assaulted her when they were in high school.
Her testimony was heart-wrenching. And his was furious.
The GOP called the hearing a circus. And the Dems begged to stall today's Judiciary Committee vote to confirm Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Nomination, simply asking that the FBI review corroborating witnesses and ultimately reveal the Truth.
Today, we have listened to members of the Committee voice their support for Dr Blasey Ford or their support for Kavanaugh. And now we wait for the vote...
As citizens and changemakers, it's common to feel helpless. Why is it so hard to pursue facts before confirming this man's lifetime appointment to the highest court in the Land? Why is it so easy to turn a blind eye to this victim?
Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we acquire strategy to mobilize.
And with the midterms right around the corner, With the midterms right around the corner, That’s What She Said™ is especially honored to host Sister District Project’s Lyzz Schwegler at TWSS™ on Monday.
Since 2016, the Sister District co-founder and her team have been turning Red States into Blue ones by working to ensure that all Americans have equal representation and our government works for all people, not just the minority in power.
Lyzz will share her journey from Barnard and UCLA to federal law clerking, and most recently, her passion and commitment to shifting the political landscape of our country as we know it.
And she’ll leave us with action items and ways to leverage our power in The Bay so we can support our sisters across America during this critical election period and beyond.
Let's do this. We must.