You get all 3 at July's TWSS™! Bring your dudes to a blind wine-tasting competition, hosted by Barone Fini Wines, from 5P - 7P, then enjoy round 3 of Comedy Night with your womxn friends at TWSS™ on Monday, 7/9 at The Social Study in San Francisco.
📷© Morgan Shidler | #FamilesBelongTogether March, SF - 06.30.2018
Free Event!
MONDAY, JULY 9, 2018
1795 GEARY STREET, SF 94115
Girl, oh, girl! There’s a lot of power happenin'! And whatever you’re doin' to make this world a better place, whether you’re takin’ it to the streets to keep families together, celebratin’ and/or raisin’ hell on July 4th, or simply handin’ over your own reusable mug when ya order that triple-venti, half-sweet, non-fat caramel macchiato, TWSS™ is sendin’ ya mad props.
We also wanna invite you to take a load off and get your laugh on at our July installment of That’s What She Said™. That’s right: round 3 of comedy night is comin’ atcha this Monday, July 9. We’ve got three more local Bay Area all-stars to usher in some much needed funnies.
July TWSS™ Comedy Night Talent, from left, Nicole Calasich, Alli Litman, & Anica Cihla
Nicole Calasich, Alli Litman, and Anica Cihla will be your comedians for the evening—and they’re gonna stick around after the show for some Q&A. So if you’ve ever wondered how they got started in stand up, what makes a great joke, or about the stories they share, then you can ask ‘em on Monday.
This evening is sponsored by Barone Fini Wines, and they’re hosting a free blind-wine-tasting competition before the laugh riot begins! All you have to do is show up between 5p and 7p, sip and spit (or don’t!), and tell us which wine is your fave!
Bonus! Your dude-identifying friends and lovers are welcome to attend and taste from 5p - 7p, as well! So make it an early date with him, then laugh the night away with your womxn friends!
Barone Fini has offered That’s What She Said™ a $250 Challenge Grant! The catch? We have to raise $250 from alla you…
We’re pretty excited about this because TWSS™ runs on volunteer time, and we have never collected money to support our needs and goals.
Actually, we’ve always donated contributions collected at TWSS™, as well as a portion of bar sales, to the featured speaker’s beneficiary…which equates to nearly $4,000 donated to 14 charities since TWSS™’s inception in 2017.
This Challenge Grant could be a gamechanger. Your financial support will:
- boost our visibility so more womxn around the world know about the TWSS™ community and get involved with our movement;
- provide resources to creatively invite more speakers to the TWSS™ stage, and;
- fund a promo video capturing TWSS™’s spirit… the list goes on and on.
And there will be a myriad of ways to contribute on Monday, too, including a raffle, but if you wanna get the party started, make a donation through our GoFundMe page now**! All contributions made as of today will apply towards Barone Fini’s $250 Challenge Grant.
**A note about our GoFundMe page:
You might recall that we launched this fundraising campaign back in January in honor of our one-year anniversary. And you have helped us raise $625 since then—thank you!
Our new goal is to reach $875 by Monday, which accounts for the previously raised $625 + $250 raised toward Barone Fini's Challenge Grant.
Thank you always for supporting the That’s What She Said™ community. Together, womxn will be heard. And together, we’re making a difference!